What Matters vs. What I Can Control

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We will be in this virus/recovery situation for a while, and it's important to emphasize self care and forgiveness.  Things aren't going to be perfect and that's OK.  It might be easy to think that things are "easier" for people working from home. 

But in many ways, many of us are juggling more than ever - being simultaneously responsible for schooling, childcare, self-care and work.  And those still going in are also dealing with the added stress of change and disruption to work as usual. Because "keeping going" means something very different these days, doesn't it?  It's easy to get overwhelmed by the news, the kids, the change in work environment.  I am working hard to focus on the right things:  the things that matter, and the things I can control.  I made a list recently to help me stay mindful and thought I'd share it with you.

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Things that Matter

  • My family and friends

  • My team and colleagues

  • My health, our health, public health - including mental health and well-being

  • UFCU Members and our Mission as a Credit Union

  • Sustaining morale:  my own, and for others at home and work

Things I Can Control

  • My habits:  what I eat, how much I sleep, move, etc.

  • My environment:  my office, kitchen, house, family space

  • My attitude, including the level of effort I put in to positivity and being proactive during a time when it's easy to just sit back and react

  • My work product

  • My expectations of myself and others

So, how to put this all together?  Every day I'm keeping my routines to the degree I can, even if they are different than the usual.  Establishing a sense of rhythm and "normalcy" helps me. I appreciate this article about cabin fever and how keeping a positive attitude actually reinforces mental clarity, including the science supporting how “the way we feel influences the way we think.” 

For example: 

At home, I'm taking every possible virus precaution for myself and my family right now:  social distance, hand sanitizer and washing, keeping errands to the bare minimum.  So if I am so busy prioritizing my health and the health of others, why would I decide to compromise my health more than usual by allowing myself to eat poorly, indulge in too many "virtual happy hours," or slack off on exercise?  If it matters, and I can control it, I'm going to prioritize health in every way I can.  So I'm resting a little more, eating healthier, and going for a walk every evening after being cooped up in the house. 

At work, staying connected is vital.  I'm ignoring my impulse not to "bother" people and am checking in more often by phone or video.  I have a weekly meeting now with everyone in our business unit to see their faces, make sure they have everything they need, and remove any barriers I can.  Now that we are further apart I see people more regularly than I did before! I really like it and hope they do too.  

And in general, I'm getting up every day, getting myself together, and showing up with a smile. It would be easy to be "heads down" right now, but keeping a positive attitude is so important.  I'm listening to a motivational podcast every morning as I get ready, have upbeat music playing whenever I can, and remind myself to "breathe" first so I don't lash out when my kids interrupt my Vidyo calls, or I am derailed getting things done.

What about you?  I'm so curious and interested what YOU are doing to focus on the right things. 

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